Pilates Gosberton
This class is for all abilities offering a range of levels to suit varying strengths. Pilates will help strengthen abdominal and back muscles, develop good posture and give increased awareness of body alignment. Pilates is also excellent for relaxation, giving a feeling of well-being. Please note these classes are for the generally fit and healthy and are not specific remedial classes. I do however, do remedial work on a one to one.
Watch my free videos as a guide.
If you have any pre-existing health issues please give me a call prior to attending, we can then discuss them further.
Watch my free videos as a guide.
If you have any pre-existing health issues please give me a call prior to attending, we can then discuss them further.
Gosberton Public Hall
6 weeks
Set dates, no transfers or refunds. £10 drop-in classes.
Booking Essential - Places Limited
A Pilates/yoga mat required
Check with Lisa via the contact page
or text/tel 07929341042
Gosberton Public Hall
6 weeks
Set dates, no transfers or refunds. £10 drop-in classes.
Booking Essential - Places Limited
A Pilates/yoga mat required
Check with Lisa via the contact page
or text/tel 07929341042